Nama lengkap : Galih Putra Nugraha
Nama depan : Galih
Nama belakang : Nugraha
Nama panggilan : Galih
Tempat & Tanggal lahir : Surabaya, 21 November 1993
Alamat : Jl. Jambu No. 49 Surabaya
No. Telpon : 031 - 5023028
Jenis kelamin : laki – laki
Alamat BLOG :
Agama : Islam
Hobi : membaca
Cita - cita : dokter
Riwayat Pendidikan : SDN ketabang V, SMPN 6 SURABAYA, SMAN 7 SURABAYA
- is a free professionally designed and search engine optimized Blogger Templates collection. It is currently the fastest growing Blogger Templates blog.The blog has numerous templates which are categorized properly in a Categories menu and Tags so it is for you to find the right Blogger templates for your Blogger/Blogspot blog
- is a free professionally designed and search engine optimized Blogger Templates collection. It is currently the fastest growing Blogger Templates blog.The blog has numerous templates which are categorized properly in a Categories menu and Tags so it is for you to find the right Blogger templates for your Blogger/Blogspot blog.
- is a free professionally designed and search engine optimized Blogger Templates collection. It is currently the fastest growing Blogger Templates blog.The blog has numerous templates which are categorized properly in a Categories menu and Tags so it is for you to find the right Blogger templates for your Blogger/Blogspot blog.
- is a free professionally designed and search engine optimized Blogger Templates collection. It is currently the fastest growing Blogger Templates blog.The blog has numerous templates which are categorized properly in a Categories menu and Tags so it is for you to find the right Blogger templates for your Blogger/Blogspot blog.
- is a free professionally designed and search engine optimized Blogger Templates collection. It is currently the fastest growing Blogger Templates blog.The blog has numerous templates which are categorized properly in a Categories menu and Tags so it is for you to find the right Blogger templates for your Blogger/Blogspot blog.
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